17 Feb 2014

Rs 11696 Crore Allocated for Livestock Development During Xii Plan Period

Government has approved outlay of Rs. 11696 crore for various schemes for the development of livestock during the XII Plan period. 

In order to achieve the potential for development of the livestock sector, the government is targetting to implement following major initiatives. 

• Expansion of Foot and Mouth Diseases (FMD) control programme in all districts during 12th Plan in a phased manner as against 221 districts during 11th Plan. 

• Expand the artificial insemination programme to cover about 35% of breedable bovine population by end of 12th Plan to improve productivity of milk. 

The 11th Plan for the livestock sector aimed at achieving an overall growth between 6 to 7 percent per annum. The achievement made during Eleventh Five Year Plan which include the following: 

• The value of output for livestock sector has increased from Rs. 247180 Crore in 2007-08 to Rs. 459051 Crore in 2011-12 at current prices. 

• The milk production has registered an average annual growth of 4.51 % during the 11th Five Year Plan. 

• Egg production has registered an annual average growth of 5.59% 

• The meat production registered an average annual growth of 8.32% during the plan period. 

As per last two Livestock Censuses, the total population of female cattle has increased from 102.70 million in 2003 to 115.45 million in 2007, goats has increased from 61.47 million in 2003 to 71.56 million in 2007 and sheep has increased from 124.36 million to 140.54 million. 

This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Dr. Charan Das Mahant in a written reply to Lok Sabha questions. 

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